Notice of Copyright Infringement

At MLEGACY TV, we take the protection of intellectual property rights very seriously. As an online service provider, we comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and respond promptly to notices of alleged copyright infringement that adhere to the DMCA or any applicable intellectual property laws.

Filing a DMCA Notice

If you believe that material accessible on our platform infringes your copyright, you (or your authorized agent) can file a notification of claimed infringement with us. It is crucial to provide all the required information accurately to enable us to process your claim efficiently. Please note the following important points:

Requirements for a DMCA Notice

In accordance with the DMCA, your written notice must include the following elements:

How to Submit a DMCA Notice

Once you have gathered all the required information, please send your notification to our Designated Copyright Agent:


Important Considerations

Please be aware that:

Thank you for your cooperation in helping us protect intellectual property rights and ensure the integrity of our platform.